If you’re in debt or considering filing for bankruptcy, you don’t need to feel guilty and you certainly don’t need to feel alone. Across the country, thousands of Americans are dealing with the stress of debt, foreclosure and other financial burdens, but they often make their situations more difficult by not seeking legal help sooner.
The bankruptcy lawyers at Melwani Law help solve your debt problems so you can begin a new path to financial freedom. We’ll help you understand the legal and financial nuances of your situation so you make sound decisions moving forward.
Ready for a Fresh Financial Start?
Our bankruptcy law firm has helped thousands of people in Albuquerque make a fresh financial start with bankruptcy solutions tailored to fit their unique needs. At your first consultation, an Albuquerque bankruptcy attorney will listen to your story and present the best way to move forward.
Get all of your bankruptcy questions answered for FREE by our
Albuquerque bankruptcy attorneys at 505-323-5800.
We provide you with the legal advice you need from start to finish as we find the best solution to eliminate your debt. Throughout the process, we are on your side as we give you relief from creditor harassment, foreclosure and repossession. Once you contact us to move forward with the bankruptcy process, creditors are legally forbidden to contact you and must speak to your bankruptcy attorney instead.
Stop Feeling Guilty—Contact Us!
Every bankruptcy is different, but regardless of your circumstances, our bankruptcy lawyers provide easy, effective solutions to your debt. Whether you are filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13, need credit counseling or help with foreclosure, our attorneys ensure that you don’t make bankruptcy mistakes and have a successful resolution to your case.
Melwani Law provides unmatched legal assistance for people facing debt and bankruptcy problems in Albuquerque, NM. We provide professional legal representation and expert guidance to get you out of debt, and later help you rebuild your credit after bankruptcy.
Put a stop to garnishments, foreclosures, repossessions, tax problems and creditor harassment. Contact us to schedule a free consultation at our Albuquerque bankruptcy law firm!