If your meals are constantly interrupted by calls from creditors and collection agencies, if your mailbox is full of threatening collection notices and overdue bills, if you live every day and night with the worry and stress of serious debt, there is a way out.
At Melwani Law, our experienced Albuquerque bankruptcy attorneys help people in your situation every day, and understand the hopelessness and fear that accompanies financial uncertainty. We can help you to explore options that can turn your life around, including filing for personal bankruptcy. Don’t let debt control your life one second longer. Call Melwani Law today.
Our free initial bankruptcy evaluation will help you to understand your financial position more thoroughly. Our Albuquerque bankruptcy lawyers can determine whether your are eligible to file bankruptcy, and, if so, whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the right choice for you.
Our goal is not only to provide you with informed legal advice, but to ease your worries and reassure you that you are not alone in this process. We aim to treat all our clients with dignity, compassion, and respect. There is no shame in filing for personal bankruptcy.
Call Melwani Law as soon as possible at 866-501-8500 (toll free) for a free evaluation with an extremely knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney!
We are very knowledgeable about New Mexico’s bankruptcy laws, and can help you get your life back in order. Please don’t hesitate. Get the help you need today by Contacting Melwani Law today at 866-501-8500 to speak to our experienced bankruptcy attorneys.